25 Ways to WIn With People
1. Start with yourself
2. Practice the 30 second rule
3. Let people know you need them
4. Create a memory and visit it often
5. Compliment people in front of other people
6. Give others a reputation to uphold
7. Say the right words at the right time
8. Encourage the dreams of others
9. Pass the credits to others
10. Offer you very best
11. Share a secret with someone
12. Mine the gold of good intentions
13. Keep your eyes of the mirror
14. Do for others what they can't do for themselves
15. Listen with your heart
16. Find the way to their hearts
17. Be the first to help
18. Add value to people
19. Remember a person's story
20. Tell a good story
21. Give with no strings attached
22. Learn your mailman's name
23. Point out people strengths
24. Write notes of encouragement
25. Help people win
p/s: Thanks to Shueq..blogger www.imotivasi.com...Masa awal2 sampai 'stress' yang amat sangat..terjumpalah blog shueq..sampai sekarang kami masih 'keep in touch motivate each other' untuk sama2 menjadikan hidup ini lebih indah dan juga menyahut seruan untuk bahagia di akhirat nanti..Insya Allah"